© Hilmar Alquiros Tao-Project: 道 德 經 Dŕo Dé Jīng 2000-2018 Impressum Datenschutzerklärung |
3738 |
第五十八章 |
Gentle Leadership Sanfter Führungsstil |
Raw texts s. below / Rohtexte s. unten!
58.a |
Unobtrusive Reign, Sincere People Unaufdringliche Herrschaft, aufrichtiges Volk |
Hán Fēizǐ
- W. K. Liao: |
No. |
Wáng Bě 王弼 |
Characters |
Analysis |
Verbatim |
Poetic |
Analogous |
58 - Gentle Leadership [ "Enforcing order produces disorder." [Ames & Hall p. 168]. Wise rulers follow the principle of 無為 wú wéi: restrained and unobtrusive, never controlling or even spying out. [ Human existence cannot be insured: between good luck and bad luck, there is only a thin membrane. [ The highest principle is no principle: not suffocated by norms and standards, by laws and punishments, societies will develop simply and in a self-motivated manner. [ To conclude the chapter, the Old Master characterizes the wise ruler succinctly in poetic lines.
Whose government
is its people is genuine and pure.
is its people is devious and divided.
"[A ruler] who is good at regulating government will have neither
shape nor name, neither [government] activity nor standard that
could be pointed out. [His government] is 'hidden [from view]' [but]
eventually will bring about the Great Order.
The ruler who controls and spies
establishes punishments and names [corresponding to social
ranks] and publishes rewards and punishments in order to bring the
cunning and deceiving under control.
05-06: Bad luck: good fortune's underlays, good luck: misfortune's lurking place. 05-06 Misfortune, on which all happiness 'rests', or happiness, under which misfortune already 'lurks' [Wilhelm] ('crouches', lies below, hides) ...
Wáng Bě
through this
gem of a two-liner
the two abovementioned ruling styles,
in order to draw a conclusion about which is better in the following
07-12: Who understands the Highest, is without rigid guidelines!
once perverted,
once perverted,
The days of men's delusion: has been certainly for a long time... 07-08 Hardly anyone would understand that the 'hidden' style, by way of great changes for the better, is thus the epitome of good ruling:The highest form in the matter of ruling, without any rigid principles and standards in the spirit of non-interference, has to enable governing without government! 09-10 "[A ruler] who rules the state by means of standards will" in turn "make cunning use of the military." ...as already explained in ch. 57.01.-02.! Hence: [ Standards, even if originally with good in-tentions, but "in principle", because strong and rigid, instead of weak and yielding, tend to get perverted and 'strange'. [ Goodness, without the Inner Power of Dč, but deployed to control the subjects, also tends to get perverted and 'strange': [ If a ruler "...establishes the good in order to harmonize the ten thousand kinds of entities, then in turn he will experience the distress of evil." [妖, *]. Let's dig a bit deeper here :"The term yāo 妖 only appears once in Wang Bi's Laozi Commentary. Wang Bi's standard term for "evil" is xié 邪. In his Commentary on the Zhuoyi, S. 16.a3, Wang Bi talks of the yaoxie zhi dŕo 妖邪之道, the "way of the evil". For this reason I have adopted this meaning in the present context." [Wagner, 2003 p. 485].11-12 The people's delusion lasted so long because of the long-lasting loss of the Way itself:"[On the other hand, it is true that] the delusion of the people has definitely already been around for a long time. This means: The delusion of the people and [their] loss of the Way definitely has lasted for a long time already. It will not do [simply] to hold ruling [by means of] a standard and goodness responsible for it." [* Wáng Bě / * p. 319]. Here again, let us dig a bit deeper: This passage was discussed by different authors as corrupt. See Wagner in his Translations Notes [Wagner, 2003 p. 485; * 2002 p. 153 ]: "Hattori Nankaku, Hatano Taró, and Lou Yulie all assume that his commentary segment is corrupt. The thought expressed in my translation as given above does not appear elsewhere in Wang Bi's surviving work. It does, however, fit Wáng Bě's thinking. I have therefore made use of it; cf. my Language, Ontology, and Political Philosophy, p. 153."
13-17: Therefore, wise men are:
outspoken, yet not offending; pointed, yet not piercing; direct, yet not dissolute; brilliant, yet not blinding. 13-17 May the poetic splendor of this stanza be accentuated by alliterations! [h.a.]. "This is why the Sage..." [ 方而不割 makes square but does not trim, [ 廉而不劌 makes clean but does not injure, [ 直而不肆 straightens but does not bully,[ 光而不燿 enlightens but does not investiga-te. He..: [ "guides the other entities and has them do a-way with their evil, but he does not trim [them]", [ "makes the people pure and has them do a-way with the pollution [of their true nature], but does not injure and wound [them]",[ "guides the other entities and has them do away with their depravities, but does not shock and suppress [them]", [ "clears up what has deluded them [the people], but does not by means of [his] enlightenment shed light on and search out their [the people's] secret hideouts." (ch. 41.06) [*]. The "Holy Man" [** v. Strauß 1870 p. 261-262] is, as a model, to be followed:
not hurtful,
[Wagner, Rudolf G.: "Language, Ontology, and Political Philosophy in China", 2002, 261 pp.].
© hilmar alquiros, 2017
58 - Sanfter Führungsstil [ "Erzwingen von Ordnung erzeugt Unord-nung." [Ames & Hall p. 168]. Weise Herrscher folgen dem Prinzip des 無為 wú wéi: zurück-haltend und unaufdringlich, niemals kontrollierend oder gar ausspionierend. [ Die menschliche Existenz kann nicht versichert werden: zwischen Glück und Unglück befindet sich nur eine dünne Membran. [ Das höchste Prinzip ist kein Prinzip: nicht erstickt durch Normen und Vorgaben, durch Gesetze und Strafen, werden sich Gesellschaften schlicht und selbst-motiviert entfalten. [ Zum Ausklang des Kapitels charakterisiert der Alte Meister den weisen Herrscher prägnant in poetischen Zeilen.
dessen Volk ist ursprünglich.
Wessen Regieren dessen Volk ist verschlagen und gespalten.
01-02 "[Ein Herrscher],
der das Regieren gut regelt, wird weder Form noch Namen haben, weder
[Regierungs-] Aktivität noch Normen, auf die hingewiesen werden
könnte. [Seine Regierung] ist 'versteckt [aus der Sicht]' [aber]
wird schließlich die Große Ordnung herbeiführen.
03-04 Wer als Herrscher
kontrolliert und bespitzelt, "... legt Bestrafungen und Namen
[entsprechend den sozialen Rängen] fest und veröffentlicht
Belohnungen und Bestrafungen, um die Gerissenen und Betrügenden
unter Kontrolle zu bringen.
Unglück Glück schon
untermauern, 05-06 Unglück, auf dem doch alles Glück '(be-)ruht' oder Glück, unter dem bereits das Unglück 'lauert' [Wilhelm] ('kauert', darunter liegt, sich verbirgt) ...
Wáng Bě
vergleicht durch dieses Zweizeilerjuwel die beiden oben
genannten Herrschaftsstile und schließt daraus auf den besseren in
den nachfolgenden Zeilen ...
07-12: Wer das Höchste versteht, ist ohne starre Prinzipien!
Prinzipien, sich verkehrend,
Gutes, sich verkehrend,
Der Menschen Verblendung: dauert gewiss lange schon an ...
... Kaum jemand habe verstanden, dass der verborgene Stil (mit
Umsicht hinter den Kulissen)
durch größeren Wandel zum Besseren hin
somit der Inbegriff der guten Herrschaft sein: 09-10 "[Ein Herrscher], der den Staat mittels Normen regiert, wird seinerseits mit List vom Militär Gebrauch machen." ... wie schon in Kap. 57.01.-02. ausgeführt! Daher: [ Normen, selbst falls ursprünglich mit guten Absichten, aber "im Prinzip", weil stark und starr statt schwach und nachgiebig, neigen dazu, pervertiert und "seltsam" zu werden. [ Güte, ohne die Innere Kraft von Dč, aber eingesetzt, um die Untertanen zu kontrollieren, neigt auch dazu, irregeführt und 'seltsam' zu werden: [ Wenn ein Herrscher "... das Gute etabliert, um die zehntausend Arten von Entitäten zu harmonisieren, dann wird er die Bedrängnis des Bösen erfahren. " [妖, *]. Lasst uns hier ein wenig tiefer schürfen: "Der Begriff yāo 妖 erscheint nur einmal in Wang Bi's Laozi Kommentar. Wang Bi's Standardausdruck für "übel" ist xié 邪. In seinem Kommentar zum Zhuoyi, S. 16.a3, spricht Wang Bi vom yaoxie zhi dŕo 妖邪之道, dem "Weg des Übels [Bösen]". Daher habe ich diese Bedeutung im gegenwärtigen Kontext übernommen. [Wagner, 2003 p. 485].
11-12 Die Täuschung der Menschen dauerte so lange wegen des lang andauernden Verlustes des Weges selbst:"[Auf der anderen Seite ist es wahr, dass] die Täuschung der Menschen schon lange da sind. Das bedeutet: Die Verblendung der Menschen und [ihr] Verlust des Weges haben definitiv schon lange Zeit angedauert. Es wird nicht [einfach] zu händeln sein, Entscheidungen zu treffen [mittels] dafür verantwortlicher Gütenormen." [* Wáng Bě / Wagner p. 319]. Lasst uns hier noch einmal ein wenig tiefer graben: Diese Passage wurde von verschiedenen Autoren als korrupt diskutiert :S. Wagner in seinen Translations Notes [Wagner, 2003 p. 485]: "Hattori Nankaku, Hatano Taró, und Lou Yulie, sie alle nehmen an, dass [dieser] sein Kommentarabschnitt korrupt ist. Der Gedanke, der in meiner Übersetzung, wie oben erwähnt, zum Ausdruck kommt, erscheint nirgendwo sonst in Wang Bi's überlebendem Werk, er passt jedoch zu Wáng Bě's Gedanken". Ich habe daher davon Gebrauch gemacht, vgl. mein [Buch] Language, Ontology, and Political Philosophy, p. 153."
13-17: Deshalb sind weise Menschen:
scharf, doch nicht schneidend; spitzfindig, doch nicht stechend; zielend, doch nicht zügellos; brilliant, doch nicht blendend. 13-17 Möge der poetische Glanz dieser Strophe durch Stabreim untermalt werden. [h.a.]. "Darum der Weise ..." [ 方而不割 begleicht, aber beschneidet nicht,[ 廉而不劌 bereinigt, doch beeinträchtigt nicht, [ 直而不肆 strafft, doch schikaniert nicht, [ 光而不燿 erleuchtet, doch ermittelt nicht. "Er...: [ "führt die anderen Entitäten und lässt sie ihr Böses beseitigen, aber er beschneidet sie nicht", [ "macht die Leute rein und lässt sie ihre Ver-schmutzung [ihrer wahren Natur] beseitigen, aber verletzt und verwundet sie nicht", [ "führt die anderen Entitäten und lässt sie ihre Verdorbenheiten beseitigen, aber schockt und unterdrückt sie nicht", [ "klärt auf, was sie [die Leute] verblendet hat, aber gibt nicht mittels seiner Erleuchtung Auf-schluss über sie, um ihre [der Leute] geheimen Verstecke herauszufinden." (Kap. 41.06.) [*]. Dem "Heiligen Menschen" [** v. Strauß 1870 p. 261-262] soll, als Vorbild, gefolgt werden:
verletzend ,
___________________ ** Wagner: "Language, Ontology, and Political Philosophy in China", 2002, 261 pp.
© hilmar alquiros, 2017 |
58.01. |
悶悶, |
其 here: "whose" [= of the country] / hier: "wessen" [des Landes]; it / es. 政 government (governing) / (das) Regieren. 悶 unobtrusive, "closed", restrained / unaufdring-lich, "verschlossen", zurückhaltend; etym.: “a heart behind a gate” / „ein Herz hinter einer Pforte“; hidden / verborgen [Wáng Bě 王弼]. 悶悶 doubling (2x) ~ very / ~ sehr: highly un/obtrusive {"clo-sed", restrained, hidden / höchst unaufdringlich {"ver-schlossen", zurückhaltend, verborgen}.* |
Whose government
Wessen Regieren
Whose government is restrained and unobtrusive, Wessen Regieren zurückhaltend und unaufdringlich ist, |
will win
Wer herrscht, soll unaufdringlich
sein: |
58.02. |
淳淳。 |
其 here: "its" [= of the country] / hier: "dessen" [des Lan-des]; it / es. 民 people / Volk. 淳 genuine {pure; honest} / ursprünglich {rein; ehrlich}; generous / großzügig [Wáng Bě 王弼]. 淳淳 doubling (2x) ~ very / ~ sehr: utterly genuine {pure; honest} / äußerst ursprünglich {rein; ehrlich}; also: "gene-rous" / großzügig.** |
dessen Volk
its people is genuine and pure; dessen Volk wird ursprünglich und rein; |
its people: pure and genuine; sein Volk bleibt ursprünglich und rein; |
58.03. |
察察, |
其 here: "whose" [= of the country] / hier: "wessen" [des Landes]; it / es. 政 government (governing) / Regieren. 察 spying_out / bespitzelnd. or: exacting, searching, scrutinizing / oder: drückend, prüfend, überprüfend; “policing and controlling” / „prüfend und kontrollierend“; also: prying, discriminative, meddling / auch: neugierig, unterscheidend, (sich) einmischend; "bent on surveillance" / "versessen auf Überwachung" [Wáng Bě 王弼]. 察察 doubling (2x) ~ very / sehr: highly spying_out [~_on] {controlling} / höchst bespitzelnd {überwachend}.*** |
whose government
wessen Regieren
whose government is controlling and spying out, wessen Regieren kontrollierend und bespitzelnd ist, |
spying on, |
58.04. |
缺缺。 |
其 here: "its" [= of the country] / hier: "dessen" [des Lan-des]; it / es. 民 people / Volk. 缺 "divided" (by competition) / "gespalten" (durch Wettbe-werb) [王弼 Wáng Bě, Wagner, 2003, p. 318-319]. 缺缺 doubling (2x) ~ very / sehr: utterly devious {slyly; "divided"} / äußerst verschlagen {hinterlistig; "gespalten"}.**** |
dessen Volk
its people is devious and divided. dessen Volk wird verschlagen und gespalten. |
con. |
s. Jörn Jacobs, 2001 p. 172: |
two words / zwei Wörter: "bang-befangen" / "anxiously tiimid" [Debon]; "muddled and confused" / "benebelt und verwirrt" [Henricks]; "still und unaufdringlich" / "calm and unobstrusive" [Wilhelm]. |
one word /
ein Wort:
"einfältig" /
"simple_(-minded)" [Schwarz];
/ "ehrlich" [Cheng Lin].
words /
zwei Wörter:
"harmlos prangen" / "harmlessly
desplayed (?)"
"genuine and sincere" /
"echt und aufrichtig"
"aufrichtig und ehrlich" /
"sincere and honest"
[Wilhelm]. |
one word /
ein Wort:
"scharfäugig" /
"sharp sighted" [Schwarz];
"complicated (?!)"
/ "kompliziert" (?!) [Cheng
words /
zwei Wörter:
"strebig-straff" / "ambitiously
"discriminate [sic] and clear" /
"unterscheidend und klar"
"scharfsinnig und stramm" /
"peerspicacious and packed"
[Wilhelm]. |
one word /
ein Wort:
"arglistig" /
"fraudulent" [Schwarz];
/ "hinterlistig" [Cheng
words /
zwei Wörter:
"arg und schlaff" / "arrant
and limp"
"crafty and cunning" /
"schlau und gerissen"
"hinterlistig und unzuverlässig" /
"wily and shaky"
[Wilhelm]. |
58.b |
Fortune's Foundaitons, Misfortune's Hiding Place Des Glückes Untermauern, des Unglücks Lauern |
No. |
Wáng Bě 王弼 |
Characters |
Analysis |
Verbatim |
Poetic |
58.05. |
所倚, |
禍 bad_luck {misfortune} / Unglück {Missgeschick}; etym.: 禍 „from Heaven + (child born with) a wrymouth or a hare lip or cleft palate” / „vom Himmel + (Kind geboren mit) Schiefmund oder Hasenscharte oder Gaumenspalte“. 兮 oh!, ah! {alas!} [= interjection; = similar to 啊 ā] / oh!, ah! {ach!} [= Inter-jektion; = ähnlich zu 啊 ā]. 福 good_luck {happiness, fortune} [= “from Heaven + full-ness”] / Glück {"himmlische Gunst", Glück, glück-lich_sein} [= „vom Himmel + Fülle“]. 之 here: /'s, its / hier: des; or: of [Genitive] / oder: von (säch-sischer) Genitiv].
„place of support“ / „Betreuungsort“
ach: |
Bad luck, alas: good fortune's underlays, Unglück, ach: des Glückes Untergrund; |
Bad luck: good fortune's underlays, Wird Unglück Glück schon untermauern, |
58.06. |
所伏。 |
福 good_luck {fortune} / Glück. 兮 oh!, ah! {alas!} [= interjection] / oh!, ah! {ach!} [= Inter-jektion]. [尚] non-standard variation: still, yet, to value, to esteem / noch, doch; werten, schätzen. 禍 bad_luck {misfortune} / Unglück {Missgeschick}; etym.: 禍 „from Heaven + (child born with) a wrymouth or a hare lip or cleft palate” / „vom Himmel + (Kind geboren mit) Schiefmund oder Hasenscharte oder Gaumenspalte“. 之 here: /'s, its / hier: des; or: of [Genitive] / oder: von (säch-sischer) Genitiv]. 所 place / Ort. 伏 to lurk {hide_in} / zu_lauern {sich_zu_verstecken}; or: ambush / oder: Hinterhalt.* 所伏= lurking place / = Lauerstätte.** |
good_luck, alas,
ach, |
good luck, alas: misfortune's lurking place. Glück, ach: des Unglücks Ort zu lauern. |
good luck: misfortune's lurking place. wird, ach, im Glück schon Unglück lauern… |
* "enthalten", "verbergen" / "to contain", "to hide" [Wing-tsit Chan, Henricks, v. Strauß, Schwarz, Möller]; "lauern" (poetischer) / to kurk" (more poetical) [R. Wilhelm]. |
** "If [, in this manner,] it is disaster indeed on which luck rests and luck under which disaster crouches - who is to know what the epitome [of being good at regulation gevernment] is? [Hardly anyone]. It is in being without standards!" |
{This [last phrase] means who [possibly] knows
what the epitome of being good at regulating [governmenet] is? Only
that there is no standard by which one could to point it out and no
shape that could be named, but just being "hidden" [from view] while
All Under Heaven greatly changes [for the better] - this is its
epitome!} |
58.c |
Without Guiding Principles: Chaos and Quandary Ohne Innere Richtschnur: Chaos und Verblendung |
No. |
Wáng Bě 王弼 |
Characters |
Analysis |
Verbatim |
Poetic |
58.07. |
其極, |
孰 who? {which?, what?, how?} / wer? {welch?, was?, wie?}. 知 to understand {to know} / verstehen {erkennen}. 其 its {this} / sein {dieses}. 極 highest {limits} / Höchstes {Grenzen}; utmost point / Äußerstes; s. 59.07.+59.08.! |
Wer kennt |
Who knows its highest form: Wer kennt dessen Höchste Form: |
Whoever does this highest know: Wer höchste Herrschaftsformen kennt, |
58.08. |
[!] |
其 here: its {this} / hier: sein {dieses}; would, may; for instance... [not: “his”, “this”] / wäre, möge; etwa... [nicht: „seine“, „diese“]. 無 without (no) {non-being, nothing_(-ness) [ / ohne (kein) {nicht-sein, Nichts}. 正 principles {standards, guidelines} / Prinzipien {Richt-schnur; Normen].* |
its {this} handling without rigid [pinpointing] principles {standards, guidelines}! sein {dieses} ohne [festlegende] Prinzipien {Richtschnur; Normen] sein (auskommen)! |
is handling without rigid guidelines! !ein auskommen ohne starre Prinzipien! |
is handling without guidelines, though! sich wohl von starren Normen trennt! |
58.09. |
奇, |
正 principles {standards, guidelines} (here of the ruler) / Prinzipien {Richtschnur; Normen] (hier des Herrschers). 復 to pervert {to corrupt} / sich_verkehren {verderben}. 為 to become {to turn_into, to effect} [= to lead_to] / werden {bewirken, sich_wandeln_in} [= führen_zu]. 奇 strange {weird} [(military) cunning], whimsical things / Seltsames {Befremdliches, Sonderbares] [= (militärische) Gerissenheit], Wunderliches. |
Principles {standards,
Prinzipien {Richtschnur;
Normen] |
Principles, once perverted, become something strange, Prinzipien, sich verkehrend, werden zu etwas Befremdliches, |
Perverted principles get strange,
Verkehren kann sich alle Norm |
58.10. |
為妖; |
善 good(-ness) / gut, Gutes. 復 to pervert {to corrupt} / sich_verkehren {verderben}. 為 to become {to turn_into, to effect} [= to lead_to] / werden {bewirken, sich_wandeln_in} [= führen_zu]. 妖 evil {mischief, superstition} / Böses {Unheilvolles, Aberglauben}; or: spooky things / oder: Gespenstiges; [= “auspicious things... affect suspicious things” / auch: „Ver-heißungsvolles... bewirkt Verdächtiges“]. |
once perverted,
becomes evil;
Gutes |
perverted goodness evil's range;
sich die
Güte erst verkehren, |
58.11. |
迷 |
人 men, (the) people / Menschen, Leute, Volk. 之 here: /'s, its / hier: des; or: of [Genitive] / oder: von (säch-sischer) Genitiv]. 迷 delusion {dazzlement} / Täuschung {Verblendung}. |
man/'s [its]
der Menschen/ [deren] |
men's delusion: der Menschen Verblendung: |
so, men's delusion: des Menschen derlei Illusion |
58.12. |
固久 |
其 its {this} / ihr(-e), {diese}. 日 day(-s) / Tag(-e). 固 certainly {sure, undoubtedly} / sicherlich {sicher, zwei-fellos}. 久 for_a_long_time {~ duration_of_time} / für lange Zeit {lang_andauernd}. |
days have been
Tage sind
(schon) |
its days have been certainly for a long time. ihre Tage dauern gewiss lange schon. |
certainly währt sicher lange Tage schon. |
* Von verschiedenen Autoren als Fragesatz oder Ausrufesatz übersetzt / Translated by different authors as interrogative clause or exclamation. |
58.d |
Outspoken, not Offending; Brilliant, not Blinding Frei heraus, nicht verletzend; brilliant, nicht blendend |
No. |
Wáng Bě 王弼 |
Characters |
Analysis |
Verbatim |
Poetic |
58.13. |
是以聖人 |
是以 there/fore / da/rum. 聖 wise / weise. 人 men, (the) people / Menschen, Leute, Volk. |
There/fore, wise men are: Da/rum sind weise Menschen: |
Therefore, wise men are: Deshalb sind weise Menschen: |
Thereby, the wise men are attending Drum sind die Weisen |
58.14. |
割, |
方 outspoken {sharp} [= fair_and_square] / frei heraus {scharf} [= offen und ehrlich].* 而 and_yet / und_doch; but, yet / aber, (je-)_doch. 不 not / nicht {un-}. 割 to offend {to cut} / verletzen {(be-)_schneiden}. 方而不割 "sharp, yet not scathing" / "scharf, aber nicht verletzend".** |
outspoken {sharp} [= fair_and_square]
frei heraus {scharf} [= offen
ehrlich], |
outspoken, yet not offending, frei heraus, doch nicht verletzend; |
outspokenly, yet not offending,
frei heraus, |
58.15. |
廉 |
廉 pointed {cleaning}, unbribable (incorruptable) / stichhaltig {reinigend}; unbestechlich. 而 and_yet / und_doch; but, yet / aber, (je-)_doch. 不 not / nicht {un-}. 劌 to pierce {to injure} / stechen {verletzen}. 廉而不劌 or: “unbribable, yet not pungent”; “bribing, yet not teasing (taunting)” / oder: „unbestechlich, doch nicht stechend“; „bestechend, doch nicht stichelnd“.** |
pointed {cleaning},
stichhaltig {reinigend},
pointed, yet not piercing, stichhaltig, doch nicht stechend; |
as pointed, yet not piercing stated, sind spitz, doch stechen nicht, sowie |
58.16. |
肆, |
直 straight_[forward] {direct} / gezielt {direkt, gerade-heraus}. 而 and_yet / und_doch; but, yet / aber, (je-)_doch. 不 not / nicht {un-}. 肆 unrestrained, dissipated {dissolute; bully} / zügellos {herum kommandierend}. 直而不肆 or: “true, yet not tactless”; “straightening, yet not stretching“ / oder: „getreu, doch nicht taktlos“; „geradewegs (gerade richtend), doch nicht gestreckt (streckend)“.** |
straight_[forward] {direct},
gezielt {direkt, geradeheraus},
direct, yet not dissolute, gezielt, doch nicht zügellos; |
direct, but
nicht zügellos sind sie, |
58.17. |
燿。 |
光 brilliant {enlightening} / brilliant {aufklärend}. 而 and_yet / und_doch; but, yet / aber, (je-)_doch. 不 not / nicht {un-}. 燿 blinding, investigating / blendend, ermittelnd. 光而不燿 “glowing, yet not glaring”; “bright, yet not be-dazzling” / „glühend, doch nicht grell“; „strahlend, doch nicht schillernd“.** |
brilliant {enlightening},
brilliant {aufklärend},
brilliant, yet not blinding. brilliant, doch nicht blendend. |
and brilliant, not investigating. sie sind brilliant, doch blenden nie! |
* "ausgeglichen", "vollkommen" / "(well-)_balanced", "perfect" [韓非子 Hán Fēizǐ / W. Mögling, book 6, p. 168]. |
"This is why /
"Darum |
He straightens but he
does not bully. |
Hán Fēizǐ
Man encountered by misery feels afraid in mind. If he feels afraid in mind, his motives of conduct will become straight. If his motives of conduct are straight, his thinking processes will become careful. If his thinking processes are careful, he will attain principles of affairs. If his motives of conduct are straight, he will meet no misery. If he meets no misery, he will live a life as decreed by heaven. If he attains principles of affairs, he will accomplish meritorious works. If he can live a life as decreed by heaven, his life will be perfect and long. If he accomplishes meritorious works, he will be wealthy and noble. Who is perfect, long-lived, wealthy, and noble, is called happy. Thus, happiness originates in the possession of misery. Hence the saying: "Misery, alas! is what happiness rests upon" for accomplishing its merit.
When one has happiness, wealth and nobility come to him. As soon as wealth and nobility come to him, his clothes and food become good. As soon as his clothes and food become good, an arrogant attitude appears. When an arrogant attitude appears, his conduct will become wicked and his action unreasonable. If his conduct is wicked, he will come to an untimely end. If his action is unreasonable, he will accomplish nothing. Indeed, to meet the disaster of premature death without making a reputation for achievement, is a great misery. Thus, misery originates in the possession of happiness. Hence the saying: "Happiness, alas! is what misery is hidden in." Indeed, those who administer affairs by following reason and principle never fail to accomplish tasks. Those who never fail to accomplish tasks, can attain the honor and influence of the Son of Heaven for their best or at least easily secure the rewards and bounties of ministers and generals. Indeed, those who discard reason and principle and make arbitrary motions, though they have the honor and influence of the Son of Heaven and the feudal lords on the one hand and possess ten times 24 the wealth of I Tun and T`ao Chu, will eventually lose their subjects and ruin their financial resources. The masses of the people who discard reason imprudently and make arbitrary motions easily, do not know that the cycle of misery and happiness is so great and profound and the way is so wide and long. Hence Lao Tzŭ taught men by saying: "Who foresees the catastrophe?"Everybody wants wealth, nobility, health, and longevity. Yet none can evade the disaster of poverty, lowliness, death, or untimely end. To have the want in mind for wealth, nobility, health, and longevity, and meet poverty, lowliness, death, or untimely end, in the long run, means the inability to reach what one wants to reach. In general, who misses the way he seeks and walks at random, is said to be bewildered. If bewildered, he cannot reach the place he wants to reach. Now the masses of the people cannot reach the place they want to reach. Hence the saying of "bewilderment".
That the masses of the people cannot reach the place they want to reach, has been true since the opening of heaven and earth till the present. Hence the saying: "The people have been bewildered from time immemorial."
By "square" is implied the correspondence of the internal with the external, the agreement of word with deed. By "strictness" is implied the determination to die in the cause of fidelity, to take matters of property and money easy. By "uprightness" is implied the sense of duty to stand by the just, the frame of mind to be impartial. By "brightness" is implied the honor of official rank and the excellence of clothes and fur garments. Now, the upholders of the right way of life, though earnest in mind and adaptable outside, neither slander the defamed nor debase the fallen. Though determined to die a martyr to fidelity and not be covetous of money, they neither insult the fickle nor put the greedy to shame. Though righteous and impartial, they neither spurn the wicked nor accuse the selfish. Though their influence is great and their clothes excellent, they neither show off before the humble nor look down upon the poor. What is the cause of this? Well, suppose those who have lost the way are willing to listen to able man and ask knowers of the way. Then they will not be bewildered. Now, the masses of the people want successes but meet failures because they were born ignorant of reason and principle and are still unwilling to ask the knowers and listen to the able. The masses of the people being thus not willing to ask the knowers and listen to the able, if saintly men reproach their misery and failure, they show resentment. The masses are many, the saintly men are few. That the few cannot prevail upon the many, is natural. Now, to make enemies of All-under-Heaven habitually is not the way to keep oneself intact and enjoy a long life. For this reason, the saintly men follow the four standards of conduct and exalt them in solitude. Hence the saying: "The saintly man is square but not sharp, strict but not obnoxious, upright but not restraining, bright but not dazzling." Numbers = Notes in: http://www2.iath.virginia.edu:8080/exist/cocoon/xwomen/texts/hanfei/d2.20/1/0/bilingual"
3738 |
第五十八章 |
Gentle Leadership Sanfter Führungsstil |
北大 Běi Dŕ 58
馬王堆 Mǎwángduī 58
□ □ □ □
□ □ □ □
□ □ □ □ □
□ □ □ □
馬王堆 Mǎwángduī 58
(閔﹦, 屯﹦, 察﹦)
郭店 Guōdiŕn
G: * * *
王弼 Wáng Bě 58
河上公 Héshŕng Gōng 58
傅奕 Fů Yě 58
Raw texts s. below / Rohtexte s. unten!
Raw texts / Rohtexte: |
G: Guōdiŕn 郭店 ~ -300M: Mǎwángduī 馬王堆 A < -206 m: Mǎwángduī 馬王堆 B < -179 B: Běi Dŕ 北大 ~ -150, ~ -100
~ Textus Receptus: 1 2 3 W: Wáng Bě 王弼 (226–249) < +250H: Héshŕng Gōng 河上公 > +100 F: Fů Yě 傅奕 (554−639) +574 / < -202
+ Hán Fēizǐ 韓非子 (280-233) - W. K. Liao: * in: The Complete Works of Han Fei Tzŭ with Collected Commentaries, April 1939. [Link].
XX. Commentaries on Lao Tzŭ's Teachings:
= DDJ 38, 58, 59, 60, 46, 14, 01, 50, 67, 53, 54 |
B:其正昏昏,其民萅萅;其正計計,其國夬夬。福,禍之所倚;禍,福之所伏。夫孰智其極?其無正,正復為倚,善復為芺。人之廢,其日固久矣。59:方而不割,廉而不刖,直而不肆,光而不燿。 M:□□□□□□□□亓正察﹦亓邦缺﹦禍∠福之所倚∠福禍之所伏□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□
G: * * * |
W:其政悶悶,其民淳淳。其政察察,其民缺缺。禍尚福之所倚。福尚禍之所伏。孰知其極,其無正。正復為奇,善復為妖。人之迷其日固久。是以聖人方而不割。廉而不劌。直而不肆。光而不燿。 H:其政悶悶,其民醇醇,其政察察,其民缺缺。禍兮福所倚,福兮禍所伏。孰知其極,其無正,正復為奇,善復為訞。人之迷,其日固久。是以聖人方而不割,廉而不害,直而不肆,光而不曜。 F: 其政閔閔,其民偆偆。其政,其民缺缺。禍兮福之所倚,福兮禍之所伏。孰知其極。其無正衺。正復爲奇,善復爲。人之迷也,其日固久矣。是以聖人方而不割,廉而不劌,直而不肆,光而不耀。 |
Mǎwángduī: ch. 1-37 after 38-81; 24 before 22 + 23, 41 before 41, 80+81 after 66. Mǎwángduī: Kap. 1-37 nach 38-81; 24 vor 22 + 23, 41 vor 41, 80+81 nach 66. |
Etymological Notes:
其 Simple pictograph 其. A basket being held by two hands. Borrowed for sound. Meaning: his. 政 rFrom hand 攵攴 and straight complete correct 正 and . Meaning: government. 悶 From heart 忄心 and phonetic 门門. Meaning: gloomy. 民 Simple pictograph 民. A either 女 or 母 with the lower part (uterus) from which people come. Meaning: people. 淳 From water 氵水 and phonetic 享. Original meaning to irrigate now meaning honest (clean like water) 察 From building 宀 and phonetic 祭. Meaning: examine (as is done inside the house). 缺 From crock pot (which may be empty) 缶 and phonetic 夬. Meaning: short of. 是 From sun or day 日 (sundial) and to go 疋. Original Meaning: time. Now Meaning: here and now. 以 Simple pictograph 以. Usually a pictograph of a mouth often making some kind of sound. Borrowed for sound. Meaning: by means of.Simple pictograph 以. g by means of. 聖 Super cursive remnant 圣聖. From a man standing on the earth 土王𡈼 (ting) not 壬(ren) and remnant 又 (from speaking 口 and being listened to with the ear 耳). Meaning: sage. Note: remnant 又and 土. 人 Simple pictograph 人. A person in profile. Meaning: person. 方 Simple pictograph 方. (1) a 弋规 and 工矩 usd to make something square. 没有规矩 不成方圆 (2) looks like a man with a squair board around his head 枷锁 used for punishmant. Meaning: squair. 而 Simple pictograph 而. (1) sometimes remnant of a beard. (2) sometimes a remnant of a root.(3) sometimes a man. 不 Simple pictograph. Unclear origin. Possibly a root which us pulled up and is thus NOT there. Meaning: “no”. 割 From knife 刂刀 and phonetic (also Meaning: to cut a tally stick) 害. Meaning: to cut 廉 From shed 广 and phonetic 兼. Meaning side of a hill. 劌 guě Composition:Left: 歲 suě year; age; harvest right: 刂 dāo knife; radical number 18. = to cut injure stab stick on 直 Simple pictograph 直. An eye and a line also pronounced zhi indicating the eye that sees straight. Lower part is remnant of the nose. Meaning: straight. 肆 Simple pictograph 肆. From long 镸長 (old man) and phonetic 聿隶. Original meaning to display a corps in public death. 光 Simple pictograph 光. Fire 火 and person 儿. Meaning light. 耀 From light 光 and phonetic 翟. Meaning to shine. 禍 From city 阝邑 and phonetic 交. Meaning: suburbs. 兮 Addition Simple 兮. * Original meanings related to breath. Original pictograph unclear. 羲 is probably the addition primitive. 福 From altar (something from God) 示 and phonetic (also incicates posessions) 畐. Meaning happiness. 之 Simple pictograph 之㞢𡳿. Augmentation of foot 止 going forward from 一. Originally indicating to go forward. 所 From door 户 and an ax to make a door 斤. Meaning: place. 倚 From person 亻人 who might be relied on and phonetic 奇. Meaning to rely on. 伏 From person 亻人 and a dog 犬. Meaning to crouch. 孰 shú Composition:Left: 享 xiǎng enjoy right: 丸 wán small round object; pellet pill. who? which? what? which one? 知 From mouth 口 (character created for sound) and phonetic 矢 borrowed for sound. Meaning: to know. 極 From tree 木 and phonetic 及亟. Originally a cross beam rafter. 無 wú mó 火+ 8 strokes negative no not; lack have no Simple pictograph Meaning: nothing. [无無. A dancer also pronounced wu. Borrowed for sound.] 正 Simple pictograph 正. A foot with a line stoping it. Meaning: complete. 也 Simple pictograph 也. Unclear origin (1) original of 匜 (2) a snake and othrs ?. Modern Meaning: also. 復 Composition:Left: 彳 right: 复. 彳+ 9 strokes return; repeat; repeatedly. 為 From mouth 口 (character created for sound) and phonetic 矢 borrowed for sound. Meaning: to know. 奇 Simple pictograph 奇. A man riding a horse now qi 骑. Borrowed for sound. Meaning strange.用 善 Simple pictograph 善. From say a lot 誩 and goat 羊 (offering). Meaning: virtuous. 妖 From woman (Chinese ghosts are women) 女 and phonetic 夭. Meaning female ghost. 迷 From phonetic 麻(广𣏟) and rice 米. Meaning: rice gruel. 日 Simple pictograph 日. The sun. Meaning: sun or day. 固 From walls 囗 and phonetic 古. Meaning strength. 久 Simple pictograph 久. A foot pring indicating time passed by. Meaning: a long time.
Sources: http://www.thetao.info/tao/big5.htm, http://ctext.org/dictionary.pl?if=en&char=%E4%B9%8D https://chinese.yabla.com/chinese-english-pinyin-dictionary.php?define=%E4%B9%8D http://www.chineseetymology.org/CharacterEtymology.aspx?submitButton1=Etymology&characterInput=%E4%BD%9C [and more].
Literature: Dŕodéjīng 道德經 ~ -400) by → 老子 Lǎozĭ. Fů Yě 傅奕 (555−639) 574 / < -202.Guōdiŕn 郭店 ~ -300. Hán Fēizǐ 韓非子 (-280-233) ch. 20+21. Héshŕng Gōng 河上公 > 100 .Kǒng fū zǐ 孔夫子 (Confucius / Konfuzius). Lǎozĭ 老子~ -400: Dŕodéjīng 道德經. Ličzǐ 列子 ~ -440-360, ~ -350. Lún yǔ 論語 = Analects by 孔夫子 Kǒng fū zǐ (Confucius / Konfuzius). Mǎwángduī 馬王堆 A < -206. Mǎwángduī 馬王堆 B < -179. Wáng Bě 王弼 (226–249) < 250.Yě Jīng 易經 (Book of Change) . Zhuāngzǐ 莊子 (-369-286) . = 道德經 Dŕodéjīng by 老子 Lǎozĭ. 傅奕 Fů Yě (-554−639 +574 / < -202 . 郭店 Guōdiŕn ~ -300. 韓非子 Hán Fēizǐ (-280-233). 河上公 Héshŕng Gōng > 100 . 孔夫子 Kǒng fū zǐ (Confucius / Konfuzius). 老子 Lǎozĭ ~ -400: Dŕodéjīng 道德經. 列子 Ličzǐ ~ -440-360 ~ -350. 論語 Lún yǔ = Analects 孔夫子 Kǒng fū zǐ Confucius / Konfuzius. 馬王堆 Mǎwángduī A < -206. 馬王堆 Mǎwángduī B < -179. 王弼 Wáng Bě (226–249) < 250. 易經 Yě Jīng (Book of Change) . 莊子 Zhuāngzǐ (-369-286) .
Abel-Rémusat, Jean-Pierre (P. VII des Mémoires de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres), Imprimerie royale, Paris 1823. B) Le livre des récompenses et des peines, ouvrage taoďstes traduit du chinois avec der notes et des éclaircissements. Paris: A. – A. Renouard, 1816; Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1939 / 2 (Les Joyaux de l‘Orient, tome III) B) Mémoire sur la vie et les ouvrages de Lao-Tseu, philosophe Chinois du VI. sičcle avant notre čre, qui a professé les opinions communément attribuées ŕ Pythagore, ŕ Platon et ŕ leurs disciples. a) Vortrag 15. VI. 1823 in: Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres, tom. VII 1824. (Denkschriften) [auch: Rémusat's Mčlanges asiatiques, Sčrie I. , 1825-26]. Ames, Roger T. & David L. Hall Dao de Jing. A Philosophical Translation. “Making this life significant”. Featuring the recently discovered bamboo texts. Translated and with commentary. New York: A Ballantine Book. 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Duyvendak, Jan [Julius Lodewijk] Tao te ching. The Book of the Way and its Virtue. The Wisdom of the East Series. London: John Murray, 1954 → Lao Tzu, Tau-Te-Tsjing, Het boek van Weg en Deugd … Arnhem: 1942; Amsterdam: Uitgeverij De Driehoek, 1980: → Tao tö king, le livre de la voie et de la vertu: texte chinois tabli et traduit avec des notes critiques et une introduction. Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1953 ff. Heidegger in "The Thing" Lǎozĭ's 11, [Philosophy of Technology, 2th lecture]. Kalinke Viktor Zhuangzi: Der Gesamttext und Materialien (Chinesisch) Leipzig: Leipziger Literaturverlag, 2017.Kalinke Viktor Laozi. Daodejing. Band 1 : Eine Wiedergabe seines Deutungsspektrums. Text und Übersetzung / Zeichenlexikon Edition Erata, Leipzig 1999. 121 p. Band 2 Eine Erkundung seines Deutungsspektrums. Anmerkungen und Kommentare; Edition Erata, Leipzig 1999. 134 p. Band 3 Nichtstun als Handlungsmaxime. Zur Rationalität des Mystischen im Laozi, Edition Erata, Leipzig 2011, 204 p. . Karlgren, Bernhard The poetical parts in Lao-tsϊ. In: Kina Antiken. Göteborgs högskolas arskrift, 38, 3, 1932, 1–45 Göteborg: Elander, 1932. (schwedisch); Svenska Bokförlaget, 1964 → Poesie des Laozi: wohl nur Kapitel 31, 42, 48, 49, 50, 61, 74, 75 im Original ungereimt. / poetry of the daodejing: in the original text, only chapters 31, 42, 48, 49, 50, 61, 74, 75 might have been unrhymed. Legge, James The Tâo Teh King. The writings of Kwang-Tze. [Translation of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu] In: Max Muller, ed. The Sacred Books of the East. 1891; The Texts of Tâoism, Part 1. The Tao Teh King. The Texts of Tâoism. Part 2. The writings of Kwang-ßze, Books I-XVII. The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 39. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1891, Oxford University Press, 1927; New York: The Julian press, 1959 et.al. Lin Yutang Laotse. (Übs. Gerolf Coudenhove) Fischer Bücherei Frankfurt/M., Hamburg. 1955, 216 p. . Möller, Hans-Georg Laotse, Tao Te King. 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[& Le livre des récompenses et des peines, en chinois et en français, accompagné de 400 légendes, anecdotes et histoires, qui font connaître les doctrines, les croyances et les mśurs de la secte des Tao-ssés. Paris: Crapelet-Barrois, 1835]. Ulenbrook Jan [Karl Gerhard Meier] LAU DSE. DAU DÖ DJING Das Buch vom rechten Wege und von der rechten Gesinnung. Ins Deutsche übertragen und mit einer wörtlichen Übersetzung,einer Einleitung und Erläuterungen versehen von Jan Ulenbrook. Carl Schünemann Verlag, Bremen. 1962, 248 p. Von Strauß [und Torney], Victor LAO-TSE'S TAO TE KING. Aus dem Chinesischen ins Deutsche übersetzt, eingeleitet und commentirt von Victor von Strauß. Verlag von Friedrich Fleischer, Leipzig 1870. 357 p.Wagner, Rudolf G. A Chinese Reading of the Daodejing: Wang Bi's Commentary on the Laozi with Critical Text and Translation. (SUN series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture. David L. Hall & Roger T. 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Watts, Alan (1915-1973) Tao - The Water Course (& Al Chung-liang Huang) New York: Pantheon Books, 1977.Wilhelm, Richard Laotse, Tao Te King, Das Buch des Alten vom Sinn und Leben. Aus dem Chinesischen verdeutscht und erläutert von Richard Wilhelm. Eugen Diederichs Verlag, Jena. 120 p. . Wing R. L. Der Weg und die Kraft. Laotses Tao-te-king als Orakel und Weisheitsbuch. Mit Kalligraphien von Tse Leong Toy, Lam-po Leong und Johanna Yeung. Illustrationen von Scott Bartlett. Droemer Knaur, München. 1987. Wittgenstein Ludwig: Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung, W. Ostwald (Hrsg.), Annalen der Naturphilosophie, Band 14, 1921, p. 185–262.Wohlfart, Günter Der Philosophische Daoismus. Philosophische Untersuchungen zu Grundbegriffen und komparative Studien mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Laozi (Lao-tse). (Reihe für Asiatische und Komparative Philosophie, Bd. 5); Köln: Edition Chora, 2001, 212 p. |